Today’s episode we have a special guest. Winnie Lau aka “Winnie the Winner”. Winnie has demonstrated herself as a strong leader and is one of the few females in the industry, she’s taken on creating the space for the other female practitioners to grow within a predominantly male-centric industry.
We talk about the interactive money & banking program she’s built and made available to help parents teach cashflow basics to kids at a young age. This Cash Smarts For Life program gives both parents and kids the ability to make discussions around money both fun and profitable. Winnie also created an action taker platform to help those that have struggled to complete or to update their Will, Power of Attorney and Personal Directives. These programs focus on clients and their families creating and keeping money and good money habits over generations.
A hero to her daughter and to herself during those dark times of uncertainty. She shows us how you can rise up and take control of your life by focusing on constant education.
The Backwards bike: https://www.wealthwithoutbaystreet.com/backbike
Follow Winnie Lau: https://www.winnielau.com/
Will Workshop: http://willingworkshop.ca/
Cash Smart For Life: http://cashsmartforlife.com/
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Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash Book: https://www.wealthwithoutbaystreet.com/byobbook
The Case for IBC by Robert Murphy, Carlos Lara & R. Nelson Nash: https://www.wealthwithoutbaystreet.com/CaseForIBC
The And Asset by Caleb Guilliams:
Documentary Film This is Nelson Nash: https://www.wealthwithoutbaystreet.com/nelsonfilm
💸 Financial Advisor? Learn about the Infinite Banking Concept here: Nelson Nash Institute Practitioner Program: https://infinitebanking.org/practitioners-program/ref/6/
EVA – Economic Value Add The Real Key To Creating Wealth Article: https://infinitebanking.org/the-real-key-to-creating-wealth/ref/6/