Wealth Without Bay Street 164: A Tax Free Addition To Your Business Surplus
Economist R. Nelson Nash firmly believed that to truly excel financially; you must be involved in two businesses. One is the business that provides for your livelihood – putting food on the table and paying your bills. The other, however, is the one that holds the most important key to your financial success – the banking business.
Why, you may ask? Because you are already engaged in this business, even if you don't realize it. The only difference is that in the model the majority of the people are engaged in – you are not the one reaping the profits.
Now, imagine the possibility of being in control of this banking business. The power to manage, own and control it all lies in your hands. You have the potential to make your money work for you rather than the other way around.
Sounds too good to be true? It's not. Take the reins, and unlock a new level of financial freedom that you never thought possible.
FREE report 7 Simple Steps to Becoming Your Own Banker – http://7steps.ca/
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- Canadians Guide To Wealth Building Without Risk: https://www.wealthwithoutbaystreet.com/ww't …
- Cash Follow The Leader: https://cashfollows.com/
[00:00:02] Introduction: How to create a tax-free addition to corporate surplus
[04:29] Start building your cash value immediately without worrying about taxation
[06:59] An example of how to invest in a premium with a $274 per day
[11:32] Leverage the greatest exemption that exists in the U.S. and Canadian tax codes today
[16:02] Enjoy dividends that don't trigger a taxable event
[18:32] Be your own banker
#AscendantFinancial #InfiniteBanking #BecomingYourOwnBanker
- You're already in the banking business now, but you're not receiving any of the profits.
- I have yet to meet a business owner who doesn't feel like they're taxed enough.
- This participating, dividend-paying, whole life insurance contract is the greatest exemption that exists in the U.S. and Canadian tax codes today.
Learn how Canadians are Implementing Infinite Banking for Free Here: https://www.ascendantfinancial.ca/ibc-wwbs/?LeadSourceId=427
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Watch our Tribute To The Man Who Created Infinite Banking R. Nelson Nash here:
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Documentary Film This is Nelson Nash: https://www.ascendantfinancial.ca/nelson-nash-film/
Financial Advisor?
Learn about the Infinite Banking Concept here: Nelson Nash Institute Practitioner Program: https://infinitebanking.org/practitioners-program/ref/6/
EVA – Economic Value Add The Real Key To Creating Wealth Article: https://infinitebanking.org/the-real-key-to-creating-wealth/ref/6/
5 Myths of the Canada Pension Plan: https://www.fraserinstitute.org/5-myths-of-the-canada-pension-plan
See your own CPP contributions via your Service Canada Account: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/my-account.html
CPP Contribution rates, maximums and exemptions: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/payroll/payroll-deductions-contributions/canada-pension-plan-cpp/cpp-contribution-rates-maximums-exemptions.html
F2022 Annual Report on CPP Investments: https://www.cppinvestments.com/the-fund/our-performance/financial-results/f2022-annual-results/