October 4, 2023

187. How to Prepare for Future Financial Windfalls

Show Notes

Wealth Without Bay Street
Wealth Without Bay Street
187. How to Prepare for Future Financial Windfalls

Wealth Without Bay Street 187: How to Prepare for Future Financial Windfalls

When the inevitable occurs and death comes knocking, there's something called a death benefit that you should know about. This benefit is completely tax-free, comes in the form of large money, and Nelson Nash wisely referred to it as a future windfall. 

So, we want to ask all of you: How well-prepared are you for the inevitable? And how ready are you to handle these future windfalls? Have you ever thought about it from a different perspective? Are you even aware of the best approach to deal with such a situation? Let's talk about it in this conversation, because it's important for you to know.

Learn more in this insightful NEW episode: How to Prepare for Future Financial Windfalls with Jayson Lowe & Richard Canfield 

Download a FREE copy of our bestselling books 

Cash Follow The Leader: https://cashfollows.com/

Canadians Guide To Wealth Building Without Risk: https://wealthwithoutbaystreet.com/wwbs-book-1/


[00:00] Introduction: How to prepare for future financial windfalls

[04:55] Anticipating a windfall, according to Nelson Nash

[08:28] Getting six policies for each child

[09:35] Gifting a policy should include gifting stewardship skills, too

[15:32] What is the true cost of delay in getting a dividend-paying, whole life insurance policy 

[18:29] The power of diversification and multiple lives insured

[20:41] Windfalls can be engineered by ensuring the financial security of everyone you care about

[22:58] If someone truly wants to save money, all they need to do is repay policy loans


  • When people win a big lottery or receive a sudden windfall after someone's passing, they often end up losing everything in no time.
  • Are you considering giving your beloved young ones a policy to use when they reach 18? Think twice because you might unintentionally be setting them up for failure.
  • Many who were gifted a life insurance policy canceled it, not understanding the long-term benefits.
  • If you are wondering how to apply the Infinite Banking Concept in your life, keep it refreshingly simple: ensure the financial security of everyone you care about.
  • Build your own warehouse of wealth. 

#WWBS #RichardCanfield #JaysonLowe #MoneyManagement #BeYourOwnBanker #InfiniteBanking #LegacyWealth #FinancialWindfalls



Learn how Canadians are Implementing Infinite Banking for Free Here: 


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Watch our Tribute To The Man Who Created Infinite Banking R. Nelson Nash here:


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Documentary Film This is Nelson Nash: https://www.ascendantfinancial.ca/nelson-nash-film/

 💸 Financial Advisor? Learn about the Infinite Banking Concept here: Nelson Nash Institute Practitioner Program: https://infinitebanking.org/practitioners-program/ref/6/

EVA – Economic Value Add The Real Key To Creating Wealth Article: https://infinitebanking.org/the-real-key-to-creating-wealth/ref/6/