68. Financial Wisdom For Millennials – Client Series – Justin Dubeau

Get a headstart with IBC. Justin Dubeau started IBC at 25 years old and has now been practicing for 5 years. He works as an oil field operator at an oil field and has a wife and two children. On today’s episode, Justin talks about the benefit of starting…
67. Financial Freedom Begins With Personal Liberty – Lawrence Reed | Fee.org

Lawrence W. Reed became President of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) in 2008 after serving as chairman of its board of trustees in the 1990s and both writing and speaking for FEE since the late 1970s. He previously served for 21 years as Pres…
66. The And Asset In Canada – Caleb Guilliams

Get your FREE COPY of THE AND ASSET FOR CANADIANS: www.andasset.ca
Have you been led to believe that you have to choose between compounding interest or liquidity control when it comes to finances? In this episode, Caleb talks about the “and” asset which…
65. Dividend Scale Interest Rate With Par Whole Life Insurance

What are whole life insurance dividends? How do they work? What is the Dividends Scale interest Rate and how does it actually show up in a policy? These are great questions and you are in for a treat as Jayson and Richard go on a rant in a rare episode w…
64. Small Business Owner Discovers The Infinite Banking Concept – Client Series – Cory Chittenden

From an IBC skeptic to an IBC champion, Cory Chittenden joins us today on our Client Series to talk about his journey incorporating IBC for himself and his business. Cory and his wife, along with their three children live in Saskat…
63. Accelerate Your Business Value with Stephen Cummings

Your business might be doing well, but is it valuable? The majority of modern entrepreneurs often prefer to sell their businesses before retiring and provide themselves and their children a pool of capital to settle with. Stephen Cummings talks about som…
62. Your Guide To Self Discovery and Clarity of Direction – David Schmeikal

Why do you do what you do? What is your vision and mission? David Schmeikal is a master storyteller and brand strategist that helps businesses and entrepreneurs find their purpose, communicate their story and develop culture within their organization. Ba…
61. Life Without The Bank with Mary Jo Irmen

Mary Jo Irmen is the author of the book Farming Without the Bank and a Farm Finance Strategist. She is changing how the farming industry is financed and helps farmers see that there are financial solutions for them and the next generations. Mary Jo’s mis…
60. Mortgage Free Using The Infinite Banking Concept – David Klein – Client Series

David Klein, 36 year old, has been a police officer for the past 13 years. He and his wife, Devon, have two boys and live in Alberta, Canada. David’s father worked for the CRA so RRSPs and cash in the bank were some of the key fina…
59. Business Profit Coaching To Keep More of Your Money with Lisa Campbell

Is your relationship with money complicated? Do you find yourself working hard and yet have only a little money in your account once all your dues are cleared? In today’s episode, Lisa Campbell talks about the strategies to make your business more profit…