183. Learn, Earn, and Build a Legacy with IBC

Wealth Without Bay Street 183: Learn, Earn, and Build a Legacy with IBC We absolutely admire working with individuals who approach life with respect, have strong family values, an active mindset, eagerness to learn, and openness to coaching.  One of our awesome clients, Thomas Eade, is a constant source of inspiration. He always finds a […]

182. Invest In Your Most Valuable Asset

Wealth Without Bay Street 182: Invest In Your Most Valuable Asset Looking for unique ways to guard and grow your wealth, just like the top 1%?  Dave Wolcott suggests that Infinite Banking is one alternative wealth strategy you should definitely pay attention to.  This serial entrepreneur and ex-marine captain has come on board to discuss […]

180. Clarifying The Marketing Language Of Infinite Banking

Wealth Without Bay Street 180: Clarifying The Marketing Language Of Infinite Banking Everyone should be aware, especially our clients, what the Infinite Banking Concept is. 😮 Many practitioners sensationalize the message. The idea isn’t about ‘beating’ the bank, it’s about becoming the banker.  What you’re doing is stepping into one of the four roles outlined […]

178. Cash Follows The Leader – Finding The Money To Start IBC

Wealth Without Bay Street 178: Cash Follows The Leader – Finding The Money To Start IBC  You might be wondering, “How on earth can I find the money to start my infinite banking journey?” Here’s the deal: you make money, you spend it, you make more money, and you spend it again. With this cycle […]

171. What Type Of Banker Rakes In The Most Cash?

Wealth Without Bay Street 171: What Type Of Banker Rakes In The Most Cash? Which type of banker makes the MOST money? 🏦💵💵   Well, this brings us back to the characters in the financial play Nelson Nash describes in the book titled Becoming Your Own Banker.  First, it is vital to understand all four […]

169. Understanding the Shift in the Global Currency System


Wealth Without Bay Street 169: Understanding the Shift in the Global Currency System Have you ever wondered where the Canadian and global currency systems are headed? Many people have asked us this question, so Richard Canfield and Henry Wong decided to share perspectives and opinions on it. We’ll be discussing the future of the Canadian […]

168. Infinite Banking Concept Fallacies and Myths

Wealth Without Bay Street 168: Infinite Banking Concept Fallacies and Myths Consider the image of a tree stump for a moment. Former forester turned powerhouse financial thinker Nelson Nash likens it to investing in a whole life insurance policy. He once asked, “What does each ring represent?”  The answer: it symbolizes one year of uninterrupted […]

165. Faith And Freedom In Infinite Banking

Wealth Without Bay Street 165: Faith And Freedom In Infinite Banking From constitutional lawyer to entrepreneur and epic podcast host, tune in to the inspiring journey of Leighton Grey.   For several years, Leighton has firmly established himself as one of Alberta’s preeminent lawyers. His outstanding record in the courtroom has made its way into the […]